Peter Stevenson starts Stevenson Systems and introduces the first Computer Assisted Real Estate Management (CAREM) system to the commercial real estate industry; a revolutionary software and system that consistently documents and manages building measurements over time.
Peter Stevenson introduces the first fully comprehensive Space Accounting and Lease Information Management systems, consistently and transparently calculating and documenting building and occupant spaces over time.
Stevenson Systems opens its first office in Manhattan Beach, California.
Stevenson Systems receives its first contract to use its Space Accounting system for the measurement of commercial office buildings in Irvine, California, and issues the first building calculation analysis.
Stevenson Systems moves to Newport Beach,
The Stevenson Standard is introduced, helping to close loopholes and provide clarity to the 1980 and 1989 BOMA Standards.
Stevenson Systems upgrades its Lease Information Management services, guaranteeing 30 minute turnaround on all occupant calculations.
The Building Owners and Managers Association International appoints Peter Stevenson as an interpreter of the BOMA Office Standard and call on his expertise for guiding future measurement standards. Peter joins the BOMA Standards Committee and reintroduces the 1989 BOMA Measurement Standard for Office Buildings.
Stevenson Systems releases the first Stacking Plan Space Accounting Report.
Stevenson Systems completes measurement of 1 Market Street, San Francisco — its single largest job to date at 1.46 million square feet.
While on the BOMA Measurement Standards Committee, Peter Stevenson helps author the new 1996 BOMA Measurement Office Standard. This new standard incorporated many of Stevenson Systems measurement concepts, including “Building Common,” an approach which had been utilized by Stevenson Systems since 1986.
Peter Stevenson while a member of BOMA's Measurement Standard Setting Committee helps author the new 2004 Standard Methods For Measuring Floor Area in Industrial Buildings, commonly referred to as BOMA/SIOR 2004.
Stevenson Systems completes Library Tower (U.S. Bank Tower) in Los Angeles, which is the tallest building west of the Mississippi.
Stevenson Systems launches — the first web-based drawing administration system for the real estate industry.
Peter Stevenson is once again selected to provide guidance on reshaping the standards of the industry at BOMA’S International Convention in New York City.
Stevenson Systems becomes one of only three official interpreters for all BOMA measurement standards internationally.
Peter Stevenson, serving on the Standards Committee, co-authors the 2009 BOMA Measurement Gross Area of Building Standard, the 2010 BOMA Measurement Office Standard, the 2010 BOMA Measurement Multi-Residential Standard, and the 2010 BOMA Measurement Retail Standard.
Stevenson Systems completes its first out-of-country assignment in Bratislava, Slovakia.
Peter Stevenson, serving as a member of the Standards Committee, co-authored the 2011 BOMA Measurement of Mixed-Use Properties Standard and the 2012 BOMA Measurement Standard for Industrial buildings.
Stack Tower is launched at the BOMA International Trade Show in Anaheim, California.
Peter Stevenson is selected to be a member of the 18 member standard setting committee to help write and develop an entirely new measurement standard. Soon to be known as the International Property Measurement Standards (IPMS), a group of 70 professional and not-for-profit organizations from around the world, working together to develop and implement international standards for measuring property.
Stevenson Systems develops Stack Tower, a web-based stacking plan for commercial real estate. This new online platform provides the tools for Stevenson Systems clients to integrate leasing information, building measurement and accounting data all in one centralized location.
Peter and Skyler Stevenson travel to Brussels Belgium for the inaugural meeting of the standards setting committee, marking the beginning of the development of the first International Property Measurement Standard (IPMS) for Office Buildings.
Peter and Skyler Stevenson travel to Moscow, Russia to attend the ProEstate Real Estate Conference to help introduce and teach the BOMA Measurement Standards to the Russian commercial real estate market.
The first International Property Measurement Standard for Office Buildings is published.
Stevenson Systems launches its new logo.
Stevenson Systems celebrates 30 years of business and the launch of the newly refreshed Stevenson Systems Certification Seal.
© Stevenson Systems 2016