TRUSPACEPRO provides advanced features, unlimited access to services for the control, reporting & aggregation of data and information
Building Measurement Report review, analysis & consultation
Building Measurement Report approval & archival
Space Accounting Reporting, showing all occupant areas listed and their associated square footages lease data and lease drawings
Space Accounting Report approval & archival
Floor Composite Drawings showing the as-built conditions of each occupant space on a floor
Space Accounting Report approval & archival
Comprehensive “Stacking Plan” from StackTower™, coordinating all updates related to occupancies and lease data directed from the TruSpace reporting tools
Automated archival of all building and occupant construction and occupant as-built drawings Via DrawingVault™, a drawing management repository application
Marketing Flyers or lease outline drawings (LOD’s) for all vacant occupant areas or suites to be leased
Lease rollover monitoring and updating
Standard financial opportunity reporting
Dynamic dashboard showing occupant statistics, market comparisons and reporting of measurement processing along with aggregated portfolio statistics, data, and metrics using variable widgets for building(s) and occupant data
Collaborative communication tool as the single source to all stakeholders of lease data, drawings and building analytics
Quick & easy administering of lease data to all stakeholders
Unlimited Access to the TruSpace “ORDERS “interactive portal, for all stakeholders associated with the building including architects & brokers
Access to Stevenson Team support level #2
© Stevenson Systems 2016