The areas within the exterior gross area of a retail building that are not designed for rental to occupants, but that are available for common use and support by and for all occupants, groups of occupants, or their invitees. Common areas include, but are not limited to : -Mall concourses -Public toilets -Service areas and corridors -Stairs, escalators, elevators -Truck loading and receiving -Trash staging and dumpsters -Common service facilities (mechanical, electrical, plumbing, communications fire protection, etc.) -Property management & maintenance facilities.
In commercial properties common area or space in a building that benefit the user of the building(s). Generally these areas do not accommodate tenant personnel, furniture, fixtures or equipment. These areas are usually classified as Building Common or Floor Common Area. Inter-floor Common area is also seen in certain building designs. Appraisers and attorneys may apply this term to parking lots, exterior plazas, sidewalks, and the like, but its use in the context of building measurement applies only to enclosed space. Space can be Common Area or Usable Area but not both. (see Building and Floor Common and Building and floor Service Area)
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