Primary Use
That use which comprises 51% or more of the total exterior gross area of a building, excluding parking in the building.
This partial list of Building Measurement Industry terms relates to this single standard: BOMA MIXED USE STANDARD 2012
A contiguous and undivided shelter comprising a partially or totally enclosed space, erected by means of a planned process of forming and combining materials.
A line connecting points that are equidistant between both base-building finished surfaces of a wall, not taking into account special finishes for adjacent occupants or furring or chases to accommodate pipes, wiring or equipment that serve adjacent occupants.
A covered or enclosed bridge, walkway, tunnel or other similar connecting element between two separate buildings.
Space required for the passage of a minor building element occupying less than 4 square feet (0.37 square meter) that serves a particular use component of a mixed-use property but passes through another use component of the mixed-use property, for which no deduction is taken. Columns and projections necessary to a building are considered to be easements regardless of their size.
Space in a building designed to accommodate industrial, office or retail use, or any mixture (including 100% of any one) of those uses.
Agreements (or proposed agreements), whether legally filed or not, which describe the management and/or ownership of an industrial campus or the rights and obligations of its owner(s) and occupants.
A property that consists of two or more buildings that have one or more floors that are shared among the buildings, or are closely integrated and share significant building service and amenity areas.
The firm or individual who is expert in practices and standards of commercial space measurement.
Space containing elements of a property that serve or benefit more than one use component.
A use component, mixed-use common area, or parking component in a mixed-use property.
Space containing elements of a property that serve or benefit more than one but less than all of the use components of a property.
A property that has a planned integration of some combination of retail, office, industrial, residential, hotel, recreation, or other functions. It is pedestrian-oriented and contains the elements of a live-work-play environment. It maximizes space usage, has amenities and architectural expression and tends to mitigate traffic and sprawl.
A number less than one, the numerator of which is the interior gross area (IGA) of a mixed-use common area, and the denominator of which is the exterior gross area (EGA) of that same mixed-use common area.
That part of the exterior gross area of a building that is used for parking that serves two or more use components of a mixed-use property.
That use which comprises 51% or more of the total exterior gross area of a building, excluding parking in the building.
A building (or a parcel therein), integrated multi-building structure, or campus, that is contiguous, undivided, and is owned and generally managed by a single legal entity.
Office, retail, industrial or multi-unit residential space as measured by their respective BOMA Standards, or a use for which BOMA does not publish a measurement standard, including, but not limited to, agricultural, single family residential, hospitality (hotels, motels, etc.), entertainment (theatres, casinos, stadiums, etc.), institutional (hospitals, etc.), educational, civic (museums, courthouses, jails, etc.), religious, and transit (airports, train stations, etc.) space.
A portion of a mixed-use property that is occupied by a single homogeneous use. A use component may include an ancillary use. In a property that consists of multiple buildings (including integrated multi-building structures), a single building may also be a use component or a sub use component.
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